Sunday, 12 December 2021

Happy Birthday Oshone

Happy Birthday Oshone!

I Love You so much, Oshone Osai. I think of you everyday of my existence. I think of how much you have changed, and I am aware of the fact that You must have questioned why I have not made a greater attempt to express... well, anything at all to You. Oshone, in this life, there is nothing I want more than to be with You, Amari, Kwaku, Na'Zyia and Ife.  If You knew how much I Miss You, You would have no doubts about the Love that I have for You. I do not sleep, night after night. Here is an example of my Love for You... and of how I Miss You so..

On my break from work one night, while working at Cascades, in the snow I drew, with a stick in the snow that was piled on the ground... "I Love You Oshone. You are my every breath. It hurts to breath without you. I am sorry it has to be this way, but if I could change the way we are seperated, I would within the blink of an eye. I am devasted. I have hope that we will be reunited some day... one day. Until such time, please receive my positive energy". 

I wrote this in the snow. The next night when I came into work, among the many co workers I have, there were 3 who pulled me aside and I watched them shed tears as they acknowledged You, Amari, Kwaku, Na'zyia, Ife and My circumstances. That we were pulled apart. Nothing hurts more than being apart from my 5 heartbeats. No one can hurt me, because I feel as if I have no heart left any longer. 

This is a letter to express my Love for You, on your birthday. I pray that today you feel Loved and Overjoyed!!

That Your smile shines bright, and You move ahead and forward in life with confidence, focus, and determination. You are a brilliant mind, and an even more awesome  person. 

I Love You Oshone and You will remain in my heart, until the end of time.




(On Your birthday, December 12th/2021).

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Happy Birthday Kwaku

 I LOVE YOU, Kwaku.

I will forever pray that You are doing well and that You are flourishing in life. That You want for nothing and there isn't anything that You need that You do not have. I wish for You to smile brightly and to walk tall and with confidence. That Your ambitious nature increases and You actualize Your greatest desires. Expand Your mind while keeping in mind; the wise man knows that he knows nothing at all. As Your intelligence furthers, You begin to recognize that learning is infinite. These are some of the things we would have interface dialogues about. 

I wish I knew how you were... however, this is not about me. I am sending good energy, in particular on this special day (quite naturally, everyday). This day is Yours, Kwaku. I wish for You to have all that You want so that You can enjoy this day to the fullest. 

I really miss You. 

I really Love You.

I have wished You happy birthday for every year that You and I have been apart. My messages are spread out across social media. As my Love for You is spread across my entire existence.

Daddy Loves You Kwaku.

Happy Birthday.

Love Daddy.