I Love You Oshone, Amari, Kwaku, Na'Zyia, Ife
I'm sitting now in the dining room, but was in the living room thinking of You as I always do. I thought, as You make progress through elementary school, high school is right around the corner. I was struck by the fact that I cannot impart any preparation for You to help, guide, and assist You through this transition. High School is a significant change, in various respects from elementary school. I wanted to take each of You to Your High Schools at least 30 times, before You actually start the school year. Show You around the school, so that You are familiar with what You are entering into. I wanted to introduce You to Your new teachers, and show You the differences in class rooms. Talk to You about the four years of High School which will shape the rest of Your educational pursuits. That these are potentially the most important years of Your lives. I wanted to show You how there are home rooms, new courses available, that athletics is taken more seriously, that You do not have to be the popular one in the eyes of Your school mates, but that You must always remain true to Yourself. That being Yourself will allow You to shine brightly.
These are my thoughts, and they only scratch the surface of how I want to be there for You Oshone, Amari, Kwaku, Na'Zyia, Ife.
That I am a father that Loves my Children more than You will ever know. That this situation we are in is unfortunate.
That You must always find the good in all life experiences.
I Love You Oshone
I Love You Amari
I Love You Kwaku
I Love You Na'Zyia
I Love You Ife
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