Sunday, 16 October 2016

8:50 pm - Sunday, October 16th/2016

Good Night Oshone.  I Love You and I Miss You.
Good Night Amari.  I Love You and I Miss You.
Good Night Kwaku.  I Love You and I Miss You.
Good Night Na'Zyia.  I Love You and I Miss You.
Good Night Ife.  I Love You and I Miss You.

I am forever sorry for not being a better father.  I am forever sorry.  I pray that You are safe, and warm.  I pray that You are comfortable, and have great Health.  I pray that You look forward to tomorrow.  I pray that no one makes You feel discomfort, ashamed, or embarrassed.  If their is someone who is bringing You down, please talk to Your Momma and Your teachers about them.  I am not there (this hurts so much) so I cannot do anything to help in this regard.  Please know that if I were there, I would do everything to change a negative situation into a positive one. 

I Miss You Oshone, and You are always on my mind.
I Miss You Amari, and You are always on my mind.
I Miss You Kwaku, and You are always on my mind.
I Miss You Na'Zyia, and You are always on my mind.
I Miss You Ife, and You are always on my mind.

"You see this fish.  It's a snapper.  Fisherman use trap and catch him.  But sometime rough rough weather come, and take away the trap, with the fish in it.  And this fish, will live in this trap.  And the trap will catch other fish.  And feed him.  Until he grow BIG!  And the trap get weak.  And then, him just break out.  Well it's just so, You must know". 

Night Night



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