Monday 2 January 2017

12:57 pm - Monday, January 2nd/2017

Good afternoon Oshone
Good afternoon Amari
Good afternoon Kwaku
Good afternoon Na'Zyia
Good afternoon Ife

I Miss You.

I wish to tell You a story;

On a warm sunny day in August, I was coming from the bank.  I was putting money into one of Your accounts when I was approached outside the bank by this gentleman.  He said to me "you have the face of a blessed soul".  We continued walking to my car, where I paused and listened to him speak.  He told me of the pain I put the Mother of my children to for years.  He told me that I was previously living with a girl and her room mate.  He told me that for the past year I have moved into a new home.  He said "you have recently met two woman that if you do not cut out of your life, you will never again see your children or their mother".  Then he said, "hold out your hand".  I held out my hand and he put a piece of paper in the palm of my right hand.  He asked that I close my eyes and close my hand.  He said "when I tell you, open your hand and read what is written on the paper".  I opened my eyes, and on the paper was written "December 21st". 

He said, "brother, I need you to remember this date and mark it".  "This is the day your family will return to you". 

I cried at that very moment.

I cried ten times harder when Wednesday, December 21st came and went.  I thought, "but I cut out the two women he was referring to, from my life".  The two women I met are singers or recording artists and I immediately told them, in August, that this man told me the most wonderful prophecy.  I told them that we can no longer work together because my family is my first priority. 

Tears fall down my cheeks as I write this because I feel I may never again see You Oshone, Amari, Kwaku, Na'Zyia, Ife.

I Love You Oshone
I Love You Amari
I Love You Kwaku
I Love You Na'Zyia
I Miss You

I Miss You so much..
My heart breaks every single day.



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