Thursday 12 January 2017

Oshone Osai Nkrumah Kahlil

Thursday, January 12th/2017

Good afternoon Oshone
Good afternoon Amari
Good afternoon Kwaku
Good afternoon Na'Zyia
Good afternoon Ife

I Love You

I have just arrived back in town.  I am exhausted, physically and emotionally.  Yet, all I can think of is You.  I have not written in three days, and I have no excuse for this.  The reason I cannot excuse not writing to You is because You are always on my mind, and I wish to express all this Love that I have for You.

I apologize and the Most High to forgive me for my sins, every day, ten times a day.

I am sorry that I am not in Your lives, where I want to be.  For years.

I pray that You are happy and joyous, and that You receive all the positive experiences in life that You deserve.  I will always fight to be with You, connected again, so that I can offer all that I am and all that I have for You.

You deserve the best.

I Miss You



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