Saturday 7 October 2017

Love is gonna win this war

Good night Oshone,
Good night Amari,
Good night Kwaku,
Good night Na'Zyia,
Good night Ife,

Hi beautiful Children. 

I pray that You have had a great week of school, learned, and are thriving in Your studies.  I wish so badly that we could be together.  I wish to know how You are doing.  I wish to know of Your current interests, thoughts, feelings, and actions.  I find myself in my deepest thoughts wondering who You are, as individual personalities.  I just wonder..

I Love You so much Oshone
I Love You so much Amari
I Love You so much Kwaku
I Love You so much Na'Zyia
I Love You so much Ife

Please, as You grow and evolve, always remember to be considerate and kind.  That Your character is far more important than Your reputation.  Reputations rise and fall, but Your character You carry with You for a lifetime.  Listen to people.  Hear them through, to the completion of their thoughts.  We are all a work in progress.  We move through stages of development.  So, an individuals views may be vastly different from where they originated from.  This is why it is important to listen.  There is much to learn; if You listen.

I Miss You Oshone
I Miss You Amari
I Miss You Kwaku
I Miss You Na'Zyia
I Miss You Ife

Have a beautiful weekend, and please.. please, I ask of the Most High..
Please allow Oshone, Amari, Kwaku, Na'Zyia, Ife to hear my silent screams of Love for each of our Children.  Please feel the good energy I express through and through.

Please, I ask.. keep Oshone, Amari, Kwaku, Na'Zyia, Ife protected and on the straight and narrow path.



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