Tuesday 12 April 2016

Oshone Osai Amari Mosiah Kwaku Oluwasei Na'Zyia Skye Ife Lia'Jasiri

Good evening, great children.

I wanted to say that I Love You.  That I miss you, and that I have never hurt in my life like the way I hurt now.

I spoke with an older lady about you today, and I often find myself speaking about you in conversations with people I meet (usually the elderly because I am interested in their wisdom and insight).  The common thread that binds my expression of Loving and Missing you with how I may one day see you again, is that I must pray.  I have been praying for four years, however, I am not praying hard enough.  I have sunk to my knees in the snow, in the rain, in my living room, and I have prayed almost everywhere in my house, and outside while on break at work.  But I have to say that in church, where I go, I have not prayed hard enough. 

So, to you Oshone, Amari, Kwaku, Na'Zyia, and Ife- I say that I will try harder.  I will pray harder.  Last nights prayer was for you all to be warm, safe, and above all, happy.  I prayed that all your dreams come true.  I prayed that you are surrounded by Love.

I Pray that you can feel my energy.  Positive energy.


Your Father

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