Friday 13 May 2016

Oyo Mari Kijana Zyia Ka Ka

I have returned home from work, with you, my children all over my mind.  I Love You all so much.  I miss You all with all my heart.  And I am sorry from the depths of my being for not being in your lives.

I am trying to be in your lives..

I was thinking, that if I could change the past, how different I would have been.  How I would have ensured that I loved your mother in a way that would have kept our family united, embracing Love throughout all time.  There would exist only positivity and Love.  It saddens me to know that I cannot change the past.  What I can do, is focus on being the best human I can be.  One who embodies Love and only Love.  One who carries goodness and kindness in my heart.  One who is confident in the victory of good over all other forces. 

Only good, which is what I aspire to be.

I Love You,


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