Saturday 30 July 2016

I Have Your Gifts!!

Good evening, Na'Zyia

I spent the day shopping for Your birthday presents.  Whew!  What a time I had.

However, this was a successful endeavor because I finally selected the perfect (I think) presents for You.  The cashier asked me who these gifts are for, and I said "my Daughter".  She then said, "well, she is going to feel spoiled when you give them to Her".  I put my head down.  Tears almost came to my eyes, but I held strong and shook them off.  She said "what's the matter?".  I said, "I will not be able to give them to her anytime soon".  She said, "well that's too bad".  I said, "everything happens for a reason, and one must stay positive". 

Recall that I believe in finding the good in every situation.  There is always a way to reconfigure perceived negative outcomes into positive experiences.  You must remain positive.

You must be strong!

I Love You Oshone, Amari, Kwaku, Na'Zyia, Ife

I Love You

Na'Zyia, I will post the photo's of Your gifts (as I said previously) tomorrow (Sunday, July 31st/2017).

I Love You Na'Zyia



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